Following is a transcript of the video:

Hello. My name is Nelson Abbott. I would like to answer a legal question for you. The question is: In a personal injury lawsuit why is it that the injured person does not take responsibility for their own life and just move on? Do not worry about making a claim; do not worry about being compensated for your injury, take responsibility for yourself. It may seem like a funny question, but in fact, this is something I have heard numerous times from jurors, neighbors, friends, even from people in our own office. The thought is that people who are injured should take responsibility for themselves.

As somebody who has worked with a lot of injured people, I have seen that, in fact, yes, injured people do try to take responsibility for themselves; they try to do the best they can. In fact, in my firm, if they do not do that, we tell them that we are not interested in representing them and we withdraw from the case.

Let me ask you another question: Why is it that nobody asks that question of the person who was negligent? If the person who was negligent took responsibility for their own actions, would they not be offering to help the injured person? Would they not be maybe making some overture at settlement? Think about it from a Christian perspective; Jesus said that if you are sued for your coat, give them your cloak also.

Why is it that nobody expects the person that’s negligent, who is careless, who injures somebody else because of that negligence, take responsibility for what they do? As a personal injury lawyer, that is what I do. I step in and force the negligent person to take responsibility for their actions. In my opinion, that is morally justified and legally justified. That is why I believe in what I do. Thank you for your time.