Utah Statute of Limitations

A Statute of Limitations is a law passed by the Utah legislature and signed by the governor.  It sets an outside limit on when a lawsuit can be filed.  In other words, a lawsuit must be filed before a certain amount of time has passed.  If the lawsuit is not timely...

How do I find a lawyer?

You’ve already found one.  Click, call, email or chat with us. O.K., you’re still reading, I guess we’ll get serious. Finding a good lawyer is no easy task.  I’m reminded of an experience my wife and I recently had with one of our children.  Our neighbor recommended a...

Why should I have a lawyer?

Lawyers are trained in the law and how to navigate complex legal issues.  Lawyers can explain the laws to you; help you evaluate your options; negotiate or mediate conflicts with other people; prepare letters; prepare court documents or other legal documents for you;...

Utah family loses nine year legal battle

The Cloud family brought a lawsuit against Washington City in 2003.  They hired Provo attorney Justin Heideman to represent them.  The lawsuit alleged that Washington City had improperly enforced the fire code and wrongfully denied them an occupancy permit for a...